Crucial Conversations
Tools for talking when stakes are high
These are personal notes (some copy/pasted), so please don't judge any grammar! If you see something interesting here, let's discuss it!
“People who are silent and don’t get their opinions get into the mix will always be passively resilient and critical”
“Start with Me … say I feel this… “
“Find your safe zone. You can do discuss almost anything in this state. This is as opposed to fear or the fight or flight zone “
“No matter what you say, if one believes the agenda of the convo is not right, they will take everything you say wrong … find the mutual purpose. Trust motives. “
“Find mutual ground/Find safety in conversations “
“As soon as someone feels disrespected or attacked, the whole conversation turns to defending themselves – not the purpose”
“Find mutual goals/motivations”
“Speaking too confident or tentative – both don’t instill confidence. Some get resentful or open up for debate.”
Build a base … “I bet you’re well-credentialed and know what you’re doing … I trust your motivations, however … ”
“Ask what people want? … this lets you see their side of things “
“I don’t think you’re intending to …. “
“Stating and understanding the facts is a foundational issue in crucial convos “