These are personal notes (some copy/pasted), so please don't judge any grammar! If you see something interesting here, let's discuss it!
- People perceive higher price as better quality … usually will buy it faster
- Letter to parents dramatizing college just to say she got a ‘D’ – Pregnant, homeless, bad health … then when she says it’s all a lie, what she says next isn’t as bad.
- Reciprocation – people will do for you if they feel indebted. Do small favors for people and they will comply with you, usually bigger.
- Small favors warrant a larger one in return to relieve the burden of debt
- Ask larger favor, then you will get second smaller favor
- Once you make up your mind, it is easy to go back to that mindset and support it. People take a stand and stick with it.
- Toy sales fall after Xmas so they under supply department stores in hopes to make the item ‘scarce’ and sold out. You as a parent buy other toys instead then after the holidays, the kids see the advertisements again and beg again. You buy 2x.
- Get them to say ‘yes’ or ‘I’m good’ before asking something. “how are you today?” is better than, “hope you’re doing well” – they answer the first question and you start ahead
- Chinese POW – How did Chinese turn our soldiers that were trained to not help the enemy? They started small and built up. Sales people use this, get any small commitment and build on it. Example is a small sign in front yard then build up to a bigger one. Don’t start with the big one
- Writing things down makes you more inclined to do it – Write down goals/to-do’s. People who fill out sales agreements didn’t return as much since they felt more into the sale. If you go on record saying/doing something, you are more included to believe it. You want to back it, so you are ‘committed.’
- Lady wanted to stop smoking so she wrote her goal on a card and handed it to 7 people. This was all she needed to stop, she held herself accountable and thought ‘I can’t make these people think less of me.’ – create a challenge (How to win friends)
- People value things more if they work harder to get it
- Car salesman says to a customer who is just looking, “you can have this car for XXX (which is less than the actual amount- people are initially intrigued by the low amount) They let the thought marinate in the customers head somehow, maybe overnight. The customers thing all day about how they could use it, why it’s good, blah blah – they sell themselves on the idea. They return and someone the company raises the price, but since they already pictured themselves with the item, they accept the raised price. (How I got Vilas Capital)
- Neighborhood wanted to save on Nat. gas so they asked the development, no response. They then said they would recognize the top energy savers by % in the monthly newsletter. The results were Nat. gas usage dramatically reduced. The neighborhood then said they would NOT recognize the households. gas was expected to revert back to normal after no ‘prize’ but surprisingly they stayed lower. Lesson – households sold themselves mentally on why they were lowering their usage, “going green” “help grandkids” “save the environment” – that stuck in their head more than the newsletter award. They told their husbands, kids, friends they were “going green” and they wanted to stay committed.
- People perceive higher price as better quality … usually will buy it faster
- Letter to parents dramatizing college just to say she got a ‘D’ – Pregnant, homeless, bad health … then when she says it’s all a lie, what she says next isn’t as bad.
- Reciprocation – people will do for you if they feel indebted. Do small favors for people and they will comply with you, usually bigger.
- Small favors warrant a larger one in return to relieve the burden of debt
- Ask larger favor, then you will get second smaller favor
- We feel a decision before we know it, gut instinct.
- Social proof – we see what others are doing to verify their own actions. (now you see me movie when they subconsciously get the guy to travel to Vegas)
- Young boys with dog phobia are shown videos with other boys smiling, laughing and playing with dogs – they open up to it
- The greater amount of people that like an idea, the more it’s correct in our eyes. We are most likely to do this when we are unsure about something
- Women was stabbed with 38 people witnessed it but not a single one helped her. People looked around at others and used their clues to what was going on. People helped more often when they are by themselves because they can’t use social clues to see what’s going on, they most act by themselves.
- A great leader uses social proof / group conditions in their favor. Herd mentality is easier to manage, get some moving in the right direction and others with follow creating a herd mentality, not a single leader.
- Use the name of someone they know even if they aren’t there, people will more likely open up more
- People like attractive people more, 10 examples of this in the book (they think you are more trusting, funnier, etc)
- People like similar people, dress like them. If you see camping gear, say how you love camping. You see an out of state plate, say you love that state, you have family there. Draw similarities. Mirror their body, mood, posture.
- Greatest car salesman wrote letters to his former customers, sent one a month. “I like you” printed on it. People love flattery.
- Two groups with a rivalry came together by joint efforts. Pushing a stuck car, buying a movie, one main water source. Look at both groups as allies to defuse anger.
- Coming together on a team to sell: car salesman vs big bad company, good cop bad cop. People feel like you are on their side will open up more
- People give flack to the messenger, deliver good news, stay away from bad news
- Give people food while you present or ask for something – more inclined to say yes
- Shock waves were given to participants even when they pleaded to stop – most kept shocking against their will because their need to follow authority was so strong
- TITLES- these give off an impression. We grow up with superiors, parents, teachers etc and that stays with us, naturally listen and want a superior. Ex. Nurse broke all rules because guy on the phone said, “im doctor …..”
- Offer someone more or less than normal. This gives them a sense of satisfaction that you are on their side, you should regain that in the form or tip later (small favor returned larger later)
- Things become more attractive when they are scarce and they see little alternative options.
- People are more motivated by what they can lose than what they can gain. “You are wasting $1000 by not having your home insulated” is better than “You could save $1000”
- Kids want toys they can’t have, young couples love more when their parents say no
- QVC always pushed the exclusive deals, the ones for a limited time. – scarcity
- People wanted the cookies more when they were in competition for them with other people – gave them a higher appeal.