Fooled By Randomness
These are personal notes (some copy/pasted), so please don't judge any grammar! If you see something interesting here, let's discuss it!
Solon’s Warning
- Due to the undetermined future we cannot judge happiness
- Random success can impact social pecking order
- Studies have shown that some people would rather earn less money than have others out-earn them
- A string of successes releases serotonin and which sets of a positive-feedback cycle. This cycle can reverse and cause a string of failures.
- The success of a profession can only be measured by the success of the average person in that profession.
- You must consider alternative realities when considering if the outcome of some event was positive.
- People do not like to consider abstract ideas only ones that are specific
- Traders may do best if they phase out the noise (media, news, reports) and focus only on relevant information
- Even evolution has been shown to be fooled by randomness. Sometime poor traits survive versus better ones
- Need to measure probability and outcome to find expected value. This is why option sellers can get crushed because the loss outcome multiplied by the probability has a very extremely negative expected value
- Rare events happen more often than we think because median and mean are not the same thing
- Because the markets are not stationary econometrics does not hold any value.
![man opening arms in nature](
Monkey’s on Typewriters
- If you have enough of something random you are likely to find at least one instance of order/what you are looking for
- The survivorship bias limits our sample size and makes things appear less random
- People can only perceive one outcome. The brain is not able to appropriately weigh probabilities
Wax in My Ears: Living with Randomness
- Everyone is fooled by randomness even, and sometimes especially so, mathematicians and finance “experts”